Begins and ends an HTML document. |
Encloses items in an HTML document head. |
<META> |
Provides extra information about an HTML document. |
Displays the document’s title. The title is displayed on
the browser title bar. |
Encloses the main structure of the HTML document, such as
text and images. |
Replaces the <BODY> tag with frames. Framesets can
be used within one another. |
A specific frame within a frameset. |
If a browser does not support frames, it refers to the
NOFRAMES tag. The <BODY> tag is used within the NOFRAMES tag for
alternate content. |
Includes the text address at the base of the browser. |
HREF="url">text</A> |
Anchor to text for a URL. Click the text to visit the URL.
Also known as a link. To use e-mail addresses, replace the URL with mailto:user@address.com. |
NAME="name">text</NAME> |
Creates a target within an HTML document. |
... <H6></H6> |
Creates headings that can be used in HTML documents.
Number goes from 1-6. |
ID="name" |
Inserted into any HTML tag, allows an item to be
individually recognized by a browser and to be formatted using style sheets. |
CLASS=”name” |
Inserted into any HTML tag, allows a tag to belong to a
specific class that can be formatted by style sheets. |
<OL></OL> |
Ordered list. |
<UL></UL> |
Unordered list. |
<DL></DL> |
List of words and definitions. |
<LI></LI> |
Defines individual items in ordered and unordered lists. |
<DT></DT> |
Used for the word that is being defined. Used in
<DL> tags. |
<DD></DD> |
Used for the definition of a word. Used in <DL> tags |
VALUE=”number” |
Sets the value in a ordered list. Used within the
<LI> tags. |
Inserts a style sheet. |
Inserts a script, such as VBSCRIPT or JAVASCRIPT, into a
document. |
<LINK> |
Expresses a relationship to another document outside of
the originating HTML document. |
HREF="url"> |
Allows an HTML document to make the correct interpretation
of URLs in a document. |
Sets the font style and size for an entire document. |
<BIG></BIG> |
Increases the size of a font. |
Decreases the size of a font. |
Places strong emphasis on text. |
<SUB></SUB> |
Defines subscripts. |
<SUP></SUP> |
Defines superscripts. |
<B></B> |
Makes text bold. |
<I></I> |
Makes text italic. |
<U></U> |
Underlines text. |
<EM></EM> |
Places emphasis on text. |
<PRE></PRE> |
Preformatted text. |
Encloses citations. |
Encloses code-based text. |
Displays sample text. |
<KBD></KBD> |
Encloses keyboard input. |
Disables the <FONT> tag process. |
<VAR></VAR> |
Indicates a variable. |
<DFN></DFN> |
Indicates a definition. |
Indicates an abbreviation. |
Indicates an acronym. |
<TT></TT> |
Displays a fixed width font. |
<P></P> |
Begins and ends a paragraph. |
ALIGN=”value”></DIV> |
Aligns a specific area of text. |
<HR> |
Draws a horizontal line across the web page. |
<BR> |
Creates a line break within a Web page. |
Begins a form within an HTML document. |
Begins a table within an HTML document. |
<TR></TR> |
Creates a row within a table. Must be used after the
<TABLE> tag. |
<TD></TD> |
Creates a column within a row. Must be used after the
<TR> tag. |
<TH></TH> |
Creates a heading cell. Used in place of the <TD>
tag. |